• 肺癌義診計劃



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  • ABOUT US/關於我們

    The society is established for objectives and purposes as follows: To promote education and exchange of knowledge in the fields of solid tumours.To facilitate research for improving the knowledge of solid tumours.To endeavor to improve the standard of care for patients with solid tumours.To organise scientific and social meetings in order to encourage interchange of knowledge and to stimulate co-operation in the management, control and treatment of various solid tumours.

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  • NGS CONSORTIUM/次世代基因聯盟

    We connect all commercially available laboratories that offer state-of-art next-generation sequencing technology

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    Science Park, HONG KONG

    The name ‘Sanomics’ is derived from the word of Sanguis, the Latin word for blood, and genomics, which stands for the study of genes.

    Since the launch of Sanomics, “Patient First” has always been our principle. Putting patients’ needs as our top priority, we strive to revolutionize current cancer treatments by providing safe and efficient liquid-based and tissue-based genomic tests to patients. We aim to provide easy and convenient access to our services and help doctors decide personalized cancer solutions for patients.

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    Boston, USA

    Our work offers more than information; it can inspire hope in patients, families, friends, physicians, and caregivers.


    Through constant innovation, we can make breakthroughs to help achieve improved outcomes for more individuals living with cancer. That’s why we foster a collaborative culture that motivates us to do our best work and be a partner in every patient's journey.


    Our approach combines genomic profile products and data services to generate insights that can help doctors match patients to more treatment options and help accelerate the development of new therapies.

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    Taipei, TAIWAN

    ACT Genomics is a world-leading cancer solution provider. We offer precision medicine services in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan. We combine experts of tumor biology, cancer genomics, and bioinformatics to provide treatment guidelines for solid tumors, relapse, drug resistance, as well as cancer monitoring, risk assessment, and immunotherapy evaluation. Through cutting-edge next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms, bioinformatics analysis, and comprehensive service offerings, we are dedicated to turning every cancer patient’s genetic information into actionable resolutions.


    Hong Kong Oncology Study Group (HKOSG)

    Research Ethics Committee (REC)


    The REC is a committee of HKOSG. It operates according to the ICHGCP guidelines and ethics principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki. It helps to approve, review and monitor clinical research, with respect to ethical requirements, upon the submission of request by HKOSG members.


    There is no deadline for applications for ethical clearance. The processing time from submission of application to notification of approval will normally take not more than 3 weeks, provided that the submitted application form is properly completed with all required documents attached.


    Clinical trials play a significant role in the development of medical breakthroughs and new approaches. These trials are key to the advancement of medicine, and yet patients are rarely aware of their value or availability. As a leading oncology study group, we would like to raise patient awareness and participation. We’ll show you what’s involved in a clinical trial, why such trials are so important and what unique value they bring to patients in the video below:



    Name 姓名 (中文) : *
    Name 姓名 (English) : *
    Sex 性別 *
    Age 年齡 *
    Contact Number 聯絡電話  *
    Email 電子信箱 *
    Occupation 職業 *
    Location 居住地區 *
    Time Available 服務時段 *
    (More than one item can be selected 可多項選擇)

    【新確診癌症病友專享🌟】與癌同行 - 禮品送贈活動

    【新確診癌症病友專享🌟】與癌同行 - 禮品送贈活動

    香港腫瘤學研究學會HKOSG致力為癌症病人服務,讓癌症患者能得到最合適的治療🩺,與你們並肩同行👍🏻!現正推行《與癌同行 - 禮品送贈活動🎁》為新確診任何癌症的病人提供免費禮品包一份❗。詳情如下:


    1️⃣填寫HKOSG與癌同行活動及會員登記表格📋 & Like HKOSG Facebook



    憑券請於辦工時間內星期一至五早上十時至下午五時 (公眾假期除外) 致電📞 6144 7621 預約換領禮品包一份🎁。

    ⚡如已接受任何治療的癌症病人留意,都可免費享有營養奶12支(癌症人士適用)🔥!有興趣的人士,請WhatsApp 6144 7621 與我們聯絡!⚡

    🌏 網站: Hong Kong Oncology Study Group
    💎 Facebook: Hong Kong Oncology Study Group 香港腫瘤學研究學會 Group 香港腫瘤學研究學會
    📞 Tel/ WhatsApp: +852 6144 7621

    #癌症 #肺癌 #乳癌 #擴散性乳癌 #基因檢測 #義診 #癌症治療 #新確診 #大腸癌 #淋巴癌 #胃癌 #子宮頸癌 #與癌同行 #禮品送贈活動 #癌症病友
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